Episode 117: Always New Things to Love About You


This is a list of things that made me happy this week. Remember, there is a love, greater than you can imagine, waiting for you. Let it find you.

Eating by candlelight.

Doing a youtube yoga video before falling asleep.

Having an impromptu dinner of brie, crackers and an apple at a picnic table.

Standing alone at the edge of the water in New York City, watching the light fall behind the buildings.

Tuning a really beautiful guitar, strumming a small tune gently, for no one but yourself.

Spending quiet time in the morning before anybody else is awake.

Watching tadpoles swim in the shallow water as you skip rocks.

Taking a break in your day to go on a long walk, even twenty minutes gives you such a different perspective on life.

Running to open a door for someone else who has their hands full.

Paying for someone’s food behind you in line.

Hearing the buzz and seeing the color of a bright neon sign turning on near you.

Repainting a piece of furniture, making it exactly the way you like it.

Pressing send on your last work email of the week.

Eating raw carrots dipped in ranch.

Sharing a secret with your best friends.

Talking to someone on their very first day of work, how excited and nervous they are.

Visiting your friends brand new baby, holding their tiny self in your arms for hours.

Noticing new things to love about the person you admire most.

Visiting a national park you’ve never been to before, seeing all the most famous sights.

The barest hints that the end of summer is coming, that fall is around the corner.

Returning to a place you haven’t been in years.



Happiness Spells Podcast is a five minute list of all the greatest pleasures and smallest joys in life. Increase your capacity for positivity, curiosity and gratitude.

This episode of Happiness Spells was written, arranged, recorded and produced by Amanda Meyncke in Temecula, CA. Our music is by Chris Zabriskie.

Amanda Meyncke