Episode 125: That Little Gap Between Your Teeth When You Smile


The littlest, weirdest things can make us feel happier than something monumental. Life is full of these little joys.

Sitting quietly in the passenger seat of a car on a long drive, thinking your own thoughts and looking out the window at the great wide world.

Watching someone skilfully frost a cake, adding each layer, carefully.

Remembering the early days of the Internet, chatting with your friends on AIM, making Geocities websites and writing in your LiveJournal.

That one day you step outside your door and realize -- it’s fall.

Wearing socks with sandals and not feeling a speck of shame.

Seeing a painting in real life you’d only seen in pictures, how different and vibrant it is, you can see the swirls in the paint.

Noticing little details about the people around you -- how they walk, the funny hand gestures they make.

The gap between their front teeth.

The indentations in the carpet when you move furniture around.

Putting anti-itch cream on bug bites.

Showing someone else a place you love, like a National Park, and watching them fall in love with it.

Doing something right away instead of procrastinating.

Eating a salad after wayyyy too much junk food.

Falling in love with the same person, for all the little reasons, all their little quirks, year after year.

Sharing a birthday with a memorable celebrity.

When you remember something insignificant that makes you laugh out loud during the workday.

Looking at the clock right when it says 11:11 or 10:10, any symmetrical numbers.

Trying to draw something without looking at it.

Dinner with your childhood friend, talking about old memories, people you haven’t seen in ages.



Happiness Spells Podcast is a five minute list of all the greatest pleasures and smallest joys in life. Increase your capacity for positivity, curiosity and gratitude.

This episode of Happiness Spells was written, arranged, recorded and produced by Amanda Meyncke in Temecula, CA. Our music is by Chris Zabriskie.

Amanda Meyncke