Episode 114: This Will Help Make it Better, For You


Every day has so many opportunities to let ourselves love, but we shy away from them because of fear of being vulnerable, of being rejected. Hold your heart out to someone today, and let them love you a little.

When a song comes on the radio you can’t help but bop along to.

Slicing into a nectarine, pulling the pit out and cutting the yellow fruit into neat sections.

Spicy pine needles crushed underfoot, the smell rising as you hike in the heat of the day.

When someone you love gives you an unexpected hug from behind.

Putting up wallpaper, transforming a room and making it better for you.

Drinking boba with the big straw.

When a cat has lots of opinions and wants to tell you all about them.

Finding your lost wallet under the seat of your car.

Hiding from the heat of the day under a big sun hat and sunglasses.

The very first paint stroke on a blank canvas.

Sitting at the library surrounded by others reading and studying.

The perfect temperature for sleeping at night, cool breeze, nice and calm.

Chalk drawings on the sidewalk outside your house.

Super curly hair.

Listening to a symphony play one of Beethoven’s best.

Teaching yourself how to quilt, slowly piecing together a quilt made of all your favorite colors.

Remembering all the reasons you love them, and being able to tell them exactly why you do.

Eating a hot dog straight from the grill with relish, onions and ketchup.

When clouds catch the light at sunset, reflecting it into a million colors and shapes.

Looking into a telescope at Saturn, billions of lightyears away, your own small self so tiny in comparison with the mighty planet.



Happiness Spells Podcast is a five minute list of all the greatest pleasures and smallest joys in life. Increase your capacity for positivity, curiosity and gratitude.

This episode of Happiness Spells was written, arranged, recorded and produced by Amanda Meyncke in Temecula, CA. Our music is by Chris Zabriskie.

Amanda Meyncke